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April 3, 2020
My friend and I were reminicing about Kitchener TV and the Scan news show we watched when we were young (1970s) – the anchor wore a red jacket every night. I think it was Larry McIntyre, who was also “Larry-O” – the fill in kids show host when Big Al was away. Any pictures of Larry in those days?
September 22, 2019
What a neat tribute! I think I was 10 (1984) when I sang on Big Al’s Talent Showcase. I’d love it if I could see that show! My name at the time was Patricia Erskine, from Etobicoke Ontario. I forgot my sheet music and had to sing unaccompanied. Thanks kindly, Patti Young, Cambridge Ontario
January 18, 2019
I believe you have made a mistake. In the time capsule under 1958, and in a photo, you have listed Fran Pappert as being the host of Romper room. Fran was the host after Betty Thompson.
Fran was my neighbour up until last year, (2018) and is no where near old enough to be the host of
Romper Room in 1958. Unless there were 2 Fran Papperts.
Carolyn -
January 15, 2017
I had so much fun on Canadian Bandstand, i seen my self with freinds on the video you had posted in 1974. If there is a way for me too get this could you please e-mail it to myself or send the video to me on my face book. Thank you for the memories!!!
September 2, 2016
What became of Tom of Uncle Toms Club circa 1955 56 ?
September 2, 2016
P.S. Tom Rafferty just came to me. I had a T shirt and went on the show all of 7 or 8 years old ! Thank you
March 14, 2016
In the early 60s I went to Sacred Heart School in Kitchener and remember very well running off to be in the audience of the Big Al show. When it was over we would be able to pick from a selection of Dairy Queen products. I always picked the Dilly Bar.
March 5, 2016
Couldn’t find any mention of my Dad in your site. Rick Smith, Sarnia Office.
February 1, 2016
To answer a viewers question. “What happened to George Hewitt?” ….Well OPEN ROADS the TV SHOW, was a ground breaker in many ways right from the first day, mid 1970’s, that Don Wilcox signed the ‘Ol Cowboy and gave me full control and a wide range to bring my cowboy real life adventures to CKCO TV,
Early 1980’s Molson and CBC signed me to do a second weekly program from Windsor Raceway live every Thursday night. I left that as a top rated show after two years. I just did not have the time to do both series plus the TV commercials I was ask to do and I was still involved in Announcing Rodeo and other sporting events.
About the early 1980’s Disney took an interest in me and I agreed to do 3 programs with the Disney Television crew in the USA. In 1998 I was recruited as a member of the Opening Team for Walt Disney’s Animal Kingdom. I stayed with Disney for three years. also as a photographer.
CKCO days. In 1986 I took OPEN ROADS into syndication and was viewed in over 300 markets world wide including the Canadian Armed Forces and ships at sea.
Memories were fond and many over those years. I still talk to Don Wilcox once in awhile and I mention him in the first of two auto biographies I have written about my life and adventures titled “KEEP SPURRING ’til the WHISTLE BLOWS” and “KEEP SPURRING the Sequel” and to quote Don Wilcox “What a wild ride they are.” The books have received rave reviews and a movie offer is being considered.
Present days 2016, at 80 years I’m alive and still kicking. Well honestly the kicks are not nearly as high or as hard as they were way back in the 1970/80’s.
Old RODEO injuries combined with many more horse or hockey related injuries over my life, have followed me and remain an every day reminder of what the life of a rodeo cowboy and of course the breaking and training of horses and my other dangerous adventures can do to the human body.
So thanks for the memories and — So next time some one asks what has happened to George Hewitt you can give the answer…Until next Time—— I’m George Hewitt. still traveling down the OPEN ROADS…..
August 27, 2020
I had the pleasure of moving George and his wife this morning. What a great sense of humour and the stories were wonderful. Thank you for the personalized and autographed book “keep spurring ‘TIL the whistle blows”
Sean Allison
Sunparlour Movers Leamington Ontario
January 11, 2016
I was speaking with my day regarding the Big Al show and he mention he was on it for boxing in 1962. If you have any videos of tapings in that year I would love to go through them to see if I could find him. It would be a wonderful surprise to show him that I got it. Please let me know if you still have any! Thank you 🙂 -
December 29, 2015
Ron Roberts who was an announcer billed as “The Round Mound of Sound” died May 2015.
December 6, 2015
Came across this site as I was searching for information on the Silver Bar Ranch, as specifically the Wishing Well Dancers. My dad, Larry Pritchard, was one of the dancers. I have a great publicity photo of him, Garry Walters, and the other two guys (I don’t know their names). I was hoping to find more photos and history online. As I read the bit of history here I remembered the names my parents used to talk about. Thank you for this site.
September 20, 2015
My Dad, George Hewitt, had a show on CKCO for years called Open Roads….I was on Romper room when I was little.
February 12, 2025
I used to live down the road from your father back in LaSalle Ontario. I hung out with Robin Hewitt and have been trying to track her down. I used to hang out at the totem pole Ranch on Matchette Road with Robin.
August 30, 2015
I am trying to track down a high school classmate of mine: SKIP HAYBARGER, who was a camera man. Its regarding a 50th year reunion of high school. Any info appreciated.
July 30, 2015
Thanks Bob Tiffin for telling me about this site. Some great stuff. One show that I don’t see on the lists- was my show- ‘Backstage At The Centre (in the square)’ done in 1980- 81- 1 season of 26 shows- Lionel Shenken & Visual Productions was the producer. They wouldn’t do my show- unless I brought in a ‘reputable?’ producer. We shot at the Centre & at CKCO studios- interviews- clips from shows- original songs etc. We were on Sundays at 6:30 pm- replacing Walter Ostanek- for 1 season. I also appeared with Elaine Cole- Betty Thompson- Johnnie Walters- the news at noon- the local production of the Terry Fox telethon- (I was called & booked to appear on CTV- but then all the stars came out- & I was cancelled for the national production) I wrote a song- ‘So Little Time’ that was used by the Canadian Cancer Society- & I spent time with Terry Fox on the road. Looking forward to reading more good stuff here! Cheers! Randy Stewart Rollo
March 22, 2015
My dad, Jim Armstrong, was a reporter from 1977-1989 for CKCO covering Collingwood to Parry Sound (Southern Georgian Bay). I was 4 to 16 years old during this time, spent many of hours in his car traveling with him story to story. I had the opportunity to see all the side launches of ships in Collingwood, chasing politicians on the ski hills and many neat things and interesting people that many of my friends and classmates did not. And of course, the “middle of the night” phone calls for the various fires, car accidents, even a bomb threat! I remembered one of the most exciting things as a child was going with him to Kitchener to drop of important stories and getting to go into the Romper Room studio Tiny Talent and Oopsie’s studios. I remembered meeting Ron Johnson and watching them record “the splits” segments in the afternoon. The equipment that he had was something to laugh at now. He started with a film “reel to reel” hand held camera and went to the various VTR camera/video record units that had to weigh 200lbs once the battery belt was on for the light. For the more intense stories, my job was to run back and forth to the car for battery changes since the batteries only lasted 20 mins or so. The news units then for him (he was an independent) was a 1977 Ford Thunderbird and a 1981 Chevy Malibu.
November 13, 2014
A good friend of mines’ dad did a guest apperance on Romper Room. … Dr. Weber, to talk to the kids about muscles. I would love to find out if there is archived episodes and where i can ge t a copy. If anyone could help point me in the right direction. I would be eternally grateful.
August 28, 2014
I just came across this memorial to my brother Mike. Thank you for such kind words. I know how much he loved working at CKCO.
January 2, 2016
Hi marlene! I have been trying to find you for years! Just recently heard about Mike and was shocked and so sorry!!! If you get this please contact me at Miss you! Love barb
August 26, 2014
Just happened on the site. Sad seeing so many familiar names “in memory”. I retired from CBC Vancouver in ’97, and after many fine years in Banff, am now living in Victoria. Cheers to old friends !
April 24, 2014
what ever happened to george hewitt star of open roads series 1980’s at ckco tv?
March 27, 2014
Thanks for this site! I came upon this as I was looking for more BG material of Denis Faucon for a memorial site I run for shooters, sorry to see familiar names to add.
Coming out of Humber College’s Creative Cinematography course, in 1978, my first job (part time) was at CKCO. It was in the old building that I met Peter Ferguson. My first shoot was with a Bell & Howell 70 spring wind camera. I was sent on my own to cover a contracts talk meeting at Goodrich. A notepad and a B&H, 100′ of film. The receptionist at the front desk directed me to the meeting room. I entered a large room that had a lot of chairs, empty except for a long table at the front with some people around it. I took a seat, pretty well alone in this cavernous room. The people at the front wre arguing, I started taking notes..not knowing what was going on. I pulled the B&H up, wound and began to shoot. The B&H was known as a stealth camera, the loud whirring attracted the table peoples attention. One person came, asked who I was. I told him…his eyes went a little wide and he said “Son, this is a closed private have to leave”. I was escorted out the building. I thought I was in trouble back in the newsroom. Ron Johnston, Gary McLaren and others laughed, it was a gag, no one thought I’d get in. Goodrich called to started my colourful career as a news shooter.At CKCO, many more experiences with a lot of good,fun people.
Only a few there I guess remember the film room floods!
February 28, 2014
I worked in broadcasting for almost 30 years, and with every station I worked in from Sault Ste Marie to eventually Toronto, you come across individuals, whom, if you could put in one newsroom, it would have no equal and I’m happy to say there would be several from CKCO. From 1976 to 1981 I had the pleasure to work with some real pros and some real characters in the CKCO newsroom. Gary McLaren as an assignment editor taught me about what makes a good news story…. fairness, accuracy and balance. The late Jim Mercer was a superior cameraman with a great eye and a nose for news and he knew more places outside of KW that served coffee and cherry pie than anyone I know. Bruce Johnston has more integrity than any news reporter I have met. Bill Inkol could take a sports story from the Globe and Mail and read it out of the paper live every morning and make it sound like it was written for broadcast. (Bill seldom rewrote news copy, it interfered with his morning coffee!) There were many in that newsroom during that five years like myself who went on to bigger things in major markets such as Paul Brent, Paul DeCorcy, John Jackson, John Johnston, Paul Freer, Kelly Crowe, Dave Gerry, Leslie Jones, Jeff Hutchinson to name just a few.
We were given the freedom to experiment, expand our horizons and if we got too far afield, Gary McLaren would reign you in and tell you how to improve…it provided a firm foundation for your broadcast future. You were also allowed to let your sense of humour show at least once a year during the Christmas party film. I once placed dry ice in the coffee cups in the cafeteria, and when Milly poured in the coffee, they foamed like a scene from the Adam’s Family…it was the only time they allowed me to produce the party film. It was a great ride, red jackets and all, thanks for the memories!
Bill Trbovich -
August 5, 2013
Thanks for the great work….so many memories ….so many great people…..I was so happy to be a small part of CKCO and its many talented people…… I have some photos you may be interested…….. one of the original Tree House crew…..
Ken -
May 21, 2013
There was a time I walked into a room and was the youngest one present. Now just the reverse is true. Thank you for the memories and moments of reflection, on all the wonderful people I had the opportunity to work with at one time or another. It was a good time. Just how good I can only appreciate now. The next generation of broadcasters can only imagine!
January 1, 2013
Hi, Thanks for the walk down memory lane. Some 43 years ago a friend and I approached Big Al after one of his shows and asked if we could do book reports on his show … he looked at me and said we will see. A couple of weeks later I approached him again and said ok let’s try it but you better read the books.
My friend and I stumble through it on Fridays … eventually we were tired of ready and was let off the hook, shortly after that the Kitchener Library started doing the book reports … we were so proud that we started the ball rolling but were even more grateful that we were done all that reading.
Thanks to Big Al etc.
February 7, 2012
I stumbled across your web site last night and nosed around a bit.
I was pleased to see a few pictures of my old friend Dennis Connolly. I sang in the church choir at St. Mark’s for 14 years with Dennis.
He was a fine man and had a fine voice. I told him many times that he could have made a living with his voice, but of course he was too humble to admit that it may have been true.
As a life-long resident of Kitchener I remember a lot of what I saw on various pages. Two of my most vivid memories were watching hockey on the old black and white (where’s the puck? Is that the puck or is it snow?), and watching The Flying Doctor.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I’ll be back to take a better look when I get a chance.
December 13, 2010
I remember, and always shall, the day I was acting as the Boom man! I was working as an Engineering secretary under Paul Turchen (pardon the spelling of his name). Nevertheless I did as most of us tried to do, that was to broaden our experiences in all areas of television. So from time to time I’d slip in and do Audio control in the morning and then I promoted myself to Boom operator.
This memorable day I was “booming” for Elaine Cole, on the Elaine Cole Show when someone came out of News during an intermission and told all of us that “President Kennedy had been assassinated “.
In shock and speechless, we all went on and did the show and the guests that day were valiant under the circumstances.
Regards to all and thanks for creating my treasured memories of our great CKCO station and family.
August 17, 2010
In 1967 I was the features and fashion writer at the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and a member of the swont Press Club. Because of the “revolution” in the music and fashion world, the club decided that its next big shindig would be more modern and I was roped in by Frances Denney (my editor) to put together some entertainment to go with the pigs’ ears. (I loved it. I probably would have begged to do it.)
There was a fellow with a mod clothing store in waterloo, Ross Litwiller, whom I hired to put on a fashion show. He also knew some people who were doing body painting. So to advertise this upcoming event, I went on the Elaine Cole show with a motley gang of hairdressers, dress designers, and a girl in a bikini, who was body painted on Elaine’s show and which – I was told – was a first in that people generally appeared on Elaine’s show dressed.
That episode had a huge viewership and we sold out tickets to the event PDQ.
Not only did I find the picture, I found the letter that went with it that ought to give you a bit of a laugh.
August 17, 2010
In 1967 I was the features and fashion writer at the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and a member of the swont Press Club. Because of the “revolution” in the music and fashion world, the club decided that its next big shindig would be more modern and I was roped in by Frances Denney (my editor) to put together some entertainment to go with the pigs’ ears. (I loved it. I probably would have begged to do it.)
There was a fellow with a mod clothing store in waterloo, Ross Litwiller, whom I hired to put on a fashion show. He also knew some people who were doing body painting. So to advertise this upcoming event, I went on the Elaine Cole show with a motley gang of hairdressers, dress designers, and a girl in a bikini, who was body painted on Elaine’s show and which – I was told – was a first in that people generally appeared on Elaine’s show dressed.
That episode had a huge viewership and we sold out tickets to the event PDQ.